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Get it! Just follow these 3 simple steps:

1. Contact us by WhatsApp and let us know that you want to access the 20% discount.
2. Tell us very briefly about the occasion in which you want to celebrate with pisco Gran Paso®.
3. Send us all your information so you can enjoy your celebration.


Our client’s Gran Paso Stories


My husband and I had been saving since we got married to buy our new apartment, we lived for a long time with my parents until the big day came to receive the keys to our new HOME and no better way to celebrate with our family and friends than with a good pisco.

From a happy wife


After 4 years in the company, showing my commitment and the knowledge I have acquired, I was promoted to a supervisor position and this great step must be celebrated with a good first-class pisco.

From Gran Paso Fan


My parents have always supported me and with a lot of effort have paid for my education. After 5 years I have been able to give them the joy of having a professional son and today we proudly celebrate it with a pisco sour.

From a recent graduate